“La Crema” Short film
“La Crema” is a fast peek into a teenage love story. There’s a man on tv who promotes a miraculous ointment that can cure genetic mutations with the absolute certainty of success. A guy who lives all alone in a house full of memories decide to give a chance to the cream, try to win back his lost love and get rid of his deformity. it displays a particular party scene where all the guests ask themselves ordinary questions, thoughts such as: “Why didn’t anyone notice me?”, “I’m the strange guy as usual”, ”Do you have plans for tonight?”, ”The more I date people the cooler I feel” and so on… The goal was to portray adolescents doomed by all. Desire, insecurity, vanity. We wanted to illustrate a very human relatable situation, that we all go through in the midst of discovering ourselves and our demons.